Telegram News


Inside The World Of Stock Market Tips On Telegram & Instagram | Mint Money

Beware of Illegal Stock Tips: NSE, SEBI warn against illegal stock tips on Telegram, Instagram. Just a couple of days ago, the National Stock Exchange issued a warning against a Telegram channel called LEVERAGE CONSULTANTS, which gives stock market tips on Telegram. A week before that, NSE issued a similar warning against a handle called BSE_NSE_LATEST on Instagram... and BHARAT TRADING YATRA on telegram. The NSE has also put out a link where you can check who is a registered advisor, and cautioned investors to CHECK such details while dealing with anyone who offers stock advice. But despite the exchanges and market regulator being on the job - many unregistered entities on platforms like Instagram and Telegram give out stock and F&O tips. Of course, there ARE registered ones too. Tech platform Finosaurus analysed over 50 trading related Telegram channels to help investors asses their performance - and the Mint Money team scrutinised some of these. Watch full video to aware from stock market scams through telegram and Instagram apps.

25 Jun 2024

Revealed: How Flight Flight Mode Helped Hyderabad Police Uncover ₹712 Cr Fraud | Watch

Recently, the Hyderabad Police unearthed a fraud that involved 15,000 people and reportedly cheated them of ₹700 crore in less than a year. Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand a few days ago explained the modus operandi of the scamsters. But had police failed to secure a phone with crucial data the evidence for the scam would have been hard to come by. Watch the full story to find out how a phone on flight mode helped police unearth the massive scam.

25 Jul 2023

A miniguide on how to suggest profile photos to contacts on Telegram

The company has recently launched several new features. It also lets users suggest profile photos for their contacts. If you are wondering how to use this feature, here is the step by step guide for you.

1 min read4 Jan 2023

Telegram brings new update: No phone number needed for sign-up, more features

According to Telegram, with the latest update users can now sign up for their account using blockchain-powered anonymous numbers available on the Fragment platform. Previously, the app allowed users to manage who could see their number and who can find them by their phone number, but the process would still need a SIM card.

1 min read7 Dec 2022

A mini-guide on how to gift Telegram Premium subscription

The Telegram app has a unique feature that lets users give its Premium subscription to their friends and family. According to Telegram, users can share Telegram Premium with family friends and others by simply sending them a prepaid subscription for three, six and 12 months.

1 min read8 Nov 2022

Telegram now allows 1,000 users in group video calls. What’s more in this update

Telegram also allows users to capture and send higher resolution videos, and even play it in fullscreen. Tapping on the video in expanded mode pauses it, when users can fast forward or rewind it

1 min read1 Aug 2021

A tale of texts: How an app brought about a revolution in Belarus

How an app brought about a revolution in this country. A tale of texts.

4 min read21 Aug 2020

WhatsApp rival Telegram rolls out end-to-end encrypted video call feature

The video call feature is end-to-en encrypted and currently is available in alpha mode on its Android as well as the iOS versions of the appAll video calls will be encrypted on the app to protect users’ data

1 min read15 Aug 2020

Telegram’s new video calling feature spotted in beta version

The new revelation falls in line with the company’s announcement that they will be introducing the new feature by the end of this year

1 min read13 Aug 2020

Telegram to pay fine of $18.5 million, return investor money

The regulator in October halted a $1.7 billion digital token offering by the firm, which is best known for its messaging appThe SEC said in a statement on Friday it had obtained court approval of the settlements with Telegram

1 min read29 Jun 2020
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