The Netflix series ‘History of Swear Words’, hosted by Nicolas Cage, is a lighthearted dive into the evolution and impact of dirty words
2 min read10 Jan 2021To eliminate filler words, understand the role they play in your speech
6 min read2 Sep 2021’Johnny Cash: Forever Words’ a new tribute album is a set of 16 songs, with the lyrics dug out of handwritten manuscripts, notebooks and diaries left behind by Cash
4 min read17 Aug 2018Leading publishers from the industry choose a book that inspired fresh conversations and new thought
3 min read14 Aug 2018Managers need to ditch jargon and write in simple English (WISE) to be effective communicators
4 min read2 Sep 2021Aadhaar gained popularity as a word due to Aadhaar card, which was in news last year and is likely to remain in highlight this year as well
1 min read27 Jan 2018Oxford lexicographers say there was a fivefold increase in use of the term youthquake between 2016 and 2017
1 min read15 Dec 2017Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump’s Twitter tirades only benefit North Korea’s attention-seeking ruler and hurt Washington’s credibility
2 min read18 Oct 2017The writing apps that let you write, without the distraction of unnecessary features
4 min read29 Aug 2017In its latest update, the Oxford English Dictionary identifies more than 600 words, phrases and senses that have entered common parlance, including Zyzzyva
1 min read27 Jun 2017The Union Budget contains details about the estimated receipts and the expenditure of the government for a particular fiscal year. The Budget is allotted for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from 1st April to 31st March of the next year. Here is a quick guide on how the Union Budget is prepared