In today's fast paced world, yoga is important for managing stress, improving physical health, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting emotional balance.
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Here are 5 yoga poses to remain fit:
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Tadasana (Mountain pose)
This pose helps in strengthening thighs, knees and ankles and improves the posture of your body. It also improves your overall body awareness.
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This is called the Warrior 2 pose. It helps improve your balance and also increases your stamina. Practising this pose also enhances your focus and concentration.
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It is the pose in which you stand on one leg, thereby improving your balance and strengthening your legs and core.
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This pose stretches your back, knees, hips and thighs. It enhances flexibility in the hips and spine and also helps reduce your stress level.
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Adho Mukha Svanasana
This pose involves the arms, shoulders and back muscles, enhancing your upper body strength. It increases your blood flow.