Tips from Harvard University provide practical ways to improve memory retention and support brain health throughout life.
Credit : Pinterest, Harvard Health
Here are seven ways to keep your memory sharp at any age...
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Keep Learning
Engage in lifelong learning through new hobbies or skills to stimulate brain activity and maintain cognitive function.
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Use All Your Senses
Involve multiple senses in learning processes to enhance memory retention, as this engages more areas of the brain.
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Believe in Yourself
Individuals who believe they can improve their memory are more likely to take proactive steps to maintain cognitive health.
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Repeat and Reinforce
Reinforce memory by repeating or writing down information you wish to remember, which helps solidify connections in your brain.
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Space It Out
Practice spaced repetition by reviewing information at increasing intervals, which improves long-term retention and recall.
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Simplify Routine Tasks
Reduce the mental effort required for routine tasks by organising your environment and designating specific places for frequently used items.
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Make a Mnemonic
Mnemonic devices, such as acronyms or memorable sentences, help improve memory retention by creating easy-to-remember associations for lists or concepts.