A look at the celestial events in the past week

Published By Oishi Sarkar | 27 May, 2024
The following photos are from the celestial events that occurred between May 20 and May 27, 2024.
Credit : Unsplash

Aurora Dome Sky

This image was captured during early morning hours from Arlington, Wisconsin, USA on May 20, 2024.
Credit : Xuecheng Liu & Yuxuan Liu

The Globule and the Galaxy

The 'claw' of this odd-looking 'creature' in the featured photo is a gas cloud known as a cometary globule. The photo was taken on May 21, 2024.

Green Aurora over Sweden

This striking aurora display was captured on May 22. Six photographic fields were merged to create the featured panorama.
Credit : Göran Strand

Unraveling NGC 3169

Spiral galaxy NGC 3169 looks to be unraveling like a ball of cosmic yarn. The image was taken on May 23.
Credit : Christophe Vergnes, Aziz Kaeouach

M78 from Euclid Space Telescope

The European Space Agency captured the most detailed image ever of the bright star on May 24.
Credit : ESA, Euclid, Euclid Consortium, NASA;

Manicouagan Impact Crater 

Orbiting 400 kilometres above Quebec in Canada, the International Space Station took this photo on May 25.
Credit : NASA, International Space Station Expedition 59

A Solar Filament Erupts

A long-standing solar filament suddenly erupted into space, producing an energetic coronal mass ejection. Photo taken on May 26.
Credit : NASA's GSFC, SDO AIA Team


Dark markings and bright nebulae in this telescopic southern sky view are telltale signs of young stars and active star formation. Photo taken on May 27.
Credit : Amiel Contuliano