Published By Isha Dharam Pal | 29 Jul, 2024

What is dengue?

Dengue is a mosquito-borne illness that occurs in tropical  and subtropical areas of the world.
Credit : PIXABAY


High fever is typical , along with: Rash, intense pain behind your eyes, nausea and vomiting,  body pain, difficulty  in breathing, etc. 
Credit : PEXELS

Diet for dengue patients 

Fruits, foods that are rich  in protein and iron most recommended during the dengue treatment.
Credit : PIXABAY
Here are the steps to  follow 
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Drink plenty of fluids 

The patient should consume a large amount of fluids (water, juice, soup, milk).
Credit : PEXELS


Protect your hands and legs form the mosquitos wear full  sleeves while going outside.
Credit : PEXELS

Remove standing water 

Check for standing water around your house and keep the buckets upside down to avoid dengue mosquito.
Credit : PEXELS

Light-colored Clothing

Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, so wear light-colored clothing to make yourself less attractive to them.
Credit : PEXELS


Keep your surroundings clean by regularly sweeping and disposing of garbage properly.
Credit : PEXELS